“A Rua da Amargura – 14 passos lacrimosos sobre a vida de Jesus”, (Bitterness Street - 14 tearful steps on Jesus' life), directed by Gabriel Villela, for Grupo Galpão, describes in melodramatic language, fun and moving, the birth, life, death and resurrection of Christ. The productions departure point is the text “O Mártir do Calvário”, ("The Calvary Martir") by Portuguese playwright Eduardo Garrido.
Written in 1902, it was represented to exhaustion by all the theater-circus companies that wandered around Brazil in the first five decades of the XX century.
The piece incorporated the musical repertory, the rollicks and the traditions that, in Minas countryside, marked the celebrations of the Christmas cycle and the Holy Week, associating them to the circus interpretations, to extract from this amalgam a sophisticated monument to the most popular manifestations of our culture.
Harmonizing humor, poetry and drama, and recreating with aesthetic rigor, authenticity and the self-effacing trait of popular faith, “A Rua da Amargura” reaches the public through emotion and snatches them, exposing the deep meaning of the act and festivity of theater.
The play won over twenty awards and diverse categories. Was elected the best theatrical work exhibited in 1994, in Rio de Janeiro, and received the Sharp, Molière, Shell and Mambembe Awards, in the "Best Play" category. Its career surpassed two hundred and twenty presentations, between twenty cities in eight Brazilian states, plus seven other countries (Portugal, Spain, Canada, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Colombia and Uruguay).
In April 2001, it was adapted for a special in Rede Globo Television show – “A Paixão Segundo Ouro Preto”, recorded in the Opera House and the streets of the historical city of Minas Gerais, and aired on Good Friday. The television adaptation carried Paulo José as narrator.
- Year
- 1994 — 2002
- Directed by
- Gabriel Villela
Antonio Edson
Pilatos & Menino Deus (Gods' Boy)
Arildo de Barros
Caifás & Simeão
Beto Franco
Pedro, Pastor (Shepherd) & Nicodemos
Eduardo Moreira
Jesus & José (Jesus & Joseph)
Inês Peixoto
Maria Madalena & Rei Belchior (Mary Magdalene & King Belchior)
Júlio Maciel
Anás, Dimas & Pastorinha (Shepherdess)
Lydia Del Picchia
Pastorinha (Shepherdess)
Paulo André
João Evangelista, Pregoeiro, José de Arimatéia & Anjo (Joseph Evangelist, Crier, Joseph of Arimateia & Angel)
Simone Ordones
Samaritan & Virgin Mary (1st part)
Teuda Bara
Virgin Mary (2nd part), Servant & King Gaspar
Fernanda Vianna
Verônica & Baltazar
Bia Braga
Verônica & Baltazar
Technical Sheet
Gabriel Villela
Text Adaptation
Assistant Director
Gabriel Villela
Maneco Quinderé
Maria Castilho & Wanda Sgarbi
Costumes Assistant
Ivana Andrés & Daniela Starling
Execution and Creation of Fabrics
Vaninha Soares Pereira & Wanda Sgarbi
Accessories and Art paintings
Wanda Sgarbi
Choreography and Body training
Paola Rettore
Vocal Coach
Musical Arrangements
Fernando Muzzi
Choir Coach and Vocal Arrangements
Ernani Maletta
Body training
Paola Rettore
Mário Márcio & Helvécio Izabel
Circus acting workshops
Jacira Vianna
Special Effects
Mário Márcio
Foam paintings
Sebastião Vieira
Sound Technician
Rômulo Righi & Helvécio Izabel
Light operation
Alexandre Galvão & Wladimir Medeiros
Recording studio
R Som
Visual Programming
Métrica Comunicação
Gustavo Campos
Production Directors
Regiane Miciano
Production Directors
Executive Production
Gilma Oliveira
Overall Production
Grupo Galpão
Gabriel Villela