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As the Group Galpão's new show traverses the universe of cabaret, from Brecht to contemporary times, it presents an aged and decadent troupe that, despite the hardships and setbacks, reaffirms art as a place of identity and permanence. By blending a repertoire of live music performances with variety acts, dances, fragments of Brecht's texts, and scenes of their own dramaturgy, Cabaré Coragem invites the audience on a sonic and visual journey. True to its origins in popular and street theater, the Group Galpão seeks, in this new production, to occupy alternative spaces, once again breaking the relationship between stage and audience, in a staging that radically incorporates the presence of the public, always invited to share in the performance.

Directed by one of its members, actor and director Júlio Maciel, the show features musical direction, soundtrack, and arrangements by Luiz Rocha, dramaturgy by Vinicius de Souza, sets and costumes by Márcio Medina, lighting by Rodrigo Marçal, and in the cast, actors Antonio Edson, Eduardo Moreira, Inês Peixoto, Luiz Rocha, Lydia del Picchia, Simone Ordones, and Teuda Bara.

The Group Galpão's show Cabaré Coragem is realized through the Federal Law of Cultural Incentive, sponsored by Instituto Cultural Vale and Cemig.

Júlio Maciel, actor of Group Galpão and director of the show, shares that "many months have passed since we sat around our worktable in search of a new show. As always, many ideas came, a flood of dreams, desires. We read Bertolt Brecht in search of inspiration and to understand the political and social chaos we were living in, while a persistent pandemic haunted us. I remember that in one of those meetings, sometimes heated, someone said the word 'Cabaret'." At that moment, the artist recounts, the eyes lit up: "Shortly after, we were flooded with inquiries. A Brechtian Cabaret? A Brazilian Cabaret? A Classic? Young? Contemporary? Political? Fierce? Drag? Showgirl? Revue Theater? And the theater? What differentiates Cabaret from Theater? Would it be a play about a Roadside Cabaret? A Dive Bar, with eccentric types? Or a show, a reunion party with the audience?"

"Everyone wanted everything because we were hungry for people," explains Júlio. "We wanted to bring people together, we missed them. From personal desires, we began to prepare songs, variety acts. We reactivated our band and invited many creative friends, who courageously accepted to embark on this ship into the unknown," he says. These artists led the Group through various routes so they could experience different landscapes. "Between storms and moonlights, we created our show. Finally, we arrived here. The doors of our 'Cabaré Coragem' are open. Enjoy yourselves," he invites.

Responsible for the dramaturgy, Vinicius de Souza explains that "Cabaré Coragem" - whose name references Brecht's iconic character, Mother Courage - is a show that, through music and humor, allows people to think about the old system they live in, where a few live a life of privilege while the majority suffers from hunger. "The show was born from a series of scenic experiments carried out by Grupo Galpão in recent months. They emerged from research on the language of cabaret - which mixes music, theater, dance - and the poetic and musical work of Bertolt Brecht, the famous German theater director," he emphasizes.

The mixture of experiments resulted in a fun and ironic variety show. The actors embody characters from a decadent cabaret, where they present singing, dancing, acrobatic numbers, and other entertainments. "All mixed with the audience, who are also invited to drink and sing. However, in the manner of Brecht's characters, the figures in this cabaret are extremely needy, victims of war and exploitation, forgotten or marginalized, but full of dreams and life impulses," Vinicius explains.


Amaury Reis, Andrea Mourão, Caio Bianchetti, Christina Streva, Cia Pierrot Lunar, Davi Fonseca, Dersu Soares, Diego Gamarra, Dr. Luciana Maia, Fundação de Educação Artística, Gabriel Lisboa, Galpão Cine Horto, Grupo Maria Cutia de Teatro, Jomar Mesquita, José Artur, Laura Del Picchia, Marcelo Alvarenga, Marcio Abreu, Marco Daniel, Marcus Julius Lander, Maria Amália Martins, Marina Viana, Murillo Corrêa, Mustache e os Apaches, Rita Maia, Rogério Araújo, Rúbio Marçal, Sérgio de Carvalho, Susana Bastos, Teatro 171.

We also thank the organizers of Gangorra's bar: Juliana Sevaybricker, Jimena Castiglioni, Joseane Jorge, and Rai Bento.

Federal Law of Cultural Incentive

Maintained by: Instituto Cultural Vale | Sponsored by: Cemig | Produced by: Ministry of Culture, Federal Government of Union and Reconstruction

Directed by
Júlio Maciel
90 minutos

Technical Sheet


Júlio Maciel

Direção musical, arranjos e trilha sonora

Luiz Rocha

Diretor assistente

David Maurity

Cenografia e figurino

Márcio Medina



Supervisão de dramaturgia

Vinícius de Souza

Direção de cena e coreografia

Rafael Bacelar


Rodrigo Marçal

Adereços e pintura de arte

Marney Heitmann

Preparação corporal e do gesto

Fernanda Vianna

Preparação vocal


Assistência de figurino

Paulo André e Gilma Oliveira

Assistência de cenografia

Vinícius de Andrade

Assessoria de iluminação

Marina Arthuzzi

Direção de Experimentos Cênicos

Ernani Maletta, Luiz Rocha e Cida Moreira

Colaboração artística

Paulo André e João Santos

Maquiagem e perucaria

Gabriela Dominguez

Assistente de maquiagem e perucaria

Ana Rosa Oliveira

Construção cenário

Artes Cênicas Produções

Confecção de figurinos

Taires Scatolin

Instalação de luminárias cênicas

Wellington Santos


Fernando Dornas

Assistente de comunicação

Izabella Bontempo

Assessoria de Imprensa

Polliane Eliziário (Personal Press)

Comunicação on-line

Rizoma Comunicação & Arte


Mateus Lustosa

Registro e cobertura audiovisual


Projeto gráfico

Filipe Lampejo e Rita Davis

Operação de luz

Rodrigo Marçal

Sonorização e operação de som

Fábio Santos

Assistente técnico

William Teles

Assistente de produção

Idylla Silmarovi

Produção Executiva

Beatriz Radicchi

Direção de Produção

Gilma Oliveira


Grupo Galpão


Ernani Maletta - Músicas Alabama Song, Moritat, Singapura e Tango dos Açougueiros Felizes


Marcio Abreu - Fragmento do texto "Discurso sobre Nada"