After NÓS (US), OUTROS (OTHERS) translates to a theatrical form, the restlessness and contemporary questionings that derived from the encounter between Marcio Abreu and Grupo Galpão. It deals with the now, the moment we are living and the issues that make such moment not viable anymore. It is a piece about construction of memory and the impact of the now in what is forthcoming. About the necessity for rupture with thought forms and structures deeply ingrained, and that must not represent us anymore, but instead open pathways to new possible horizons, landscapes and reflections. On the scene, the instability of this moment overflows and goes beyond what words can manage to express, gleaming on the actors and actresses bodies on stage, the discomforts, the possibilities and the impossibilities of today.
- Year
- 2018
- Directed by
- Marcio Abreu
- Dramaturgy
- Eduardo Moreira, Marcio Abreu e Paulo André
- Rating
- 16 years old
Technical Sheet
Nadja Naira
Marcelo Alvarenga – Play Arquitetura
Costume Design
Paulo André e Gilma Oliveira
Soundtrack and Sound Effects
Felipe Storino
Movement Direction
Kenia Dias
Artistic Collaboration
Nadja Naira, Felipe Storino e Kenia Dias
Artistic Exchanges
Leda Martins e Eleonora Fabião
Original songs
Beto Franco, Fernanda Vianna, Inês Peixoto, Julio Maciel e Paulo André, Lydia Del Picchia e Luiz Rocha, Teuda Bara e Luiz Rocha
Music Coach and voice/instrumental arrangements
Ernani Maletta
Vocal Coach
Director of Production
Gilma Oliveira
Executive Production
Beatriz Radicchi
Assistant Directors
Paulo André, Lydia Del Picchia e Eduardo Moreira
Assistant of Production
Cleo Magalhães
Scenography Assistant
Thays Canuto
Lights Assistant and Operator
Rodrigo Marçal
Sound Assistant and Operator
Fábio Santos
Junia Melillo
Scenotechnitians and objects construction
Joaquim Pereira e Helvécio Izabel
Costumes Confection
Bárbara Toffanetto, Maria Antônia, Penha Hermisdorf e Sonia Maria da Boa Viagem
Technical Assistant
William Teles
Scenography Interns
Taísa Campos e Laís Martins
Costumes Interns
Emiliana Normandia, Élida Murta e Maria Cândida Lacerda
Gyrotonic Technique
Waneska Torres
Audio-visual coverage
Luiz Felipe Fernandes
Guto Muniz
Graphic Project
Estúdio Lampejo
Overall Production
Grupo Galpão