The piece “Pequenos Milagres” marks the celebrations of Grupo Galpão's 25 years of activities. The text is composed by fours stories: ‘Cabeça de Cachorro’ ("Dog's head"), ‘O Pracinha da FEB’ ("FEB's soldier"), ‘O Vestido’ ("The Dress") and ‘Casal Náufrago’ ("The castaway couple"), selected from the nearly 600 stories sent to the Conte Sua História (Tell Us Your Story) campaign, idealized by director Paulo de Moraes, through which it was asked to people that they send us small, real stories, with a surprising content, a "little miracle" from everyday life. The four texts that make up the play are
Inspired by João Celso dos Santos' namesake text, this story represents a rite of passage, where a country boy, at just 11 years old, sees himself obliged to face the challenges of the big city in order to accomplish an important mission that was confided in him by his father. Fragmented in four pieces, it is told as an adventure all throughout the paly.
Inspired by the text sent by Thereza Alvarenga, the story tells moments in the life of an old expeditionary, who revisits his past through the eyes of a young nurse who works with senile people.
Inspired by the text ‘Vestido do Desejo’ (Desire's Dress), by Maristela de Fátima Carneiro, the story portrays a woman who fulfills and old teenage dream, bringing forward the delicacy of a girl's dream.
Inspired by anonymous text, bearing no title, the story brings forth the life of a couple who's relationship is long worn out, but who find themselves on the break of having all their financial problems solved through the contest “Show do Milhão” ("The Million Show"). The text talks about the rawness of two lives where there is little space for dreams.
- Year
- 2007 — 2011
- Directed by
- Paulo de Moraes
Antonio Edson
João Seo Abílio Procissão
Eduardo Moreira
Manipulador do cachorro, Cobrador, Pregador & laboratorista Praça Santos Procissão Adauto
Chico Pelúcio
Ranho, cão, vendedor de loteria & laboratorista Cabo Aleixo Josias, o pai Homem na mercearia
Beto Franco
Pai de João, tio de João, cão & velho na praça Sargento Wolff Procissão Apresentador do Show
Inês Peixoto
Mãe de João, ceguinha & gang Maria Travesti no táxi & anão do Show
Júlio Maciel
Luizinho, cão & gang Maurinho As vizinhas, procissão & Jorge, o noivo O lixeiro & velho atropelado
Paulo André
Paçoca & ceguinho Henrique Procissão & dono do brechó O vizinho & anão do Show
Simone Ordones
Mulher-placa & gang Eliane Neusa, a mãe Anão do Show
Arildo de Barros
Velho do cartório Sr. Henrique Padre na procissão Dono da mercearia
Lydia Del Picchia
Mulher do assalto Dona Amália & Clara Cinira
Technical Sheet
Maurício Arruda Mendonça & Paulo de Moraes
Maneco Quinderé
Costume Design
Rita Murtinho
Body Preparation
Dudude Herrmann & Núbia Barbosa
Choreography for scene “O Vestido”
Jomar Mesquita
Lighting Assistant and Sound Operator
Alexandre Galvão
Lighting Assistant and Light Operator
Wladimir Medeiros
Paulo de Moraes & Carla Berri
Soundtrack Research
Paulo de Moraes
Vocal Coach
Rehearsal Schedule
Costumes Assistants
Janaína Mello & Tarsila Takahashi
Costumes Execution
Maria Antônia Ferreira & Maria do Carmo Resende
Scenotechnician and Scenotechnical Operator
Helvécio Izabel
Scenarios Execution
Marco Souza
Nilson Santos
Creation and making of "the dog"
Giramundo Teatro de Bonecos
Making of guns and dog's accessories
Eduardo Felix, Daniel Herthel e Maria Leite
Panel Painting
Daniel Monteiro Lacerda
Bus miniature
Daniel Sotero
Pilates Technique
Waneska Carvalho
Bugle and Trumpet Teacher
Sargento Charles
Harmonica Teacher
Leandro Ferrari
Guto Muniz
Director of Production
Gilma Oliveira
Executive Production
Beatriz Radicchi
Overall Production
Grupo Galpão