Romeu & Julieta (Romeo & Juliet)

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Updating the meaning of humanities' greatest love story, Gabriel Villela and Galpão transpose the two young lovers tragedy to the context of popular Brazilian culture, evoked by elements present in the scenery, in accesories, in the music and in the narrator's figure, who conducts the play with spoken language inspired in Guimarães Rosa and Minas' hinterland.

Considered as a turning point in Grupo Galpão's trajectory and one of the most meaningfull plays in Brazilian Theater the 1990's decade, "Romeu e Julieta" added to 303 presentations, in it's 13 years of existence.

Alongside the two seasons in Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, in England, in 2000 and 2012, the play traveled all around Brazil and several other countries in Latin America, Europe and The United States.

The production had a first version, from September 1992 to April 1994, when the presentations where interrupted by the tragic death of actress Wanda Fernandes, who played the part of Juliet. The second version, with actress Fernanda Vianna, was presented from May 1995 to March 2003. In 2012, the play was remade for the 30 years' celebrations of Grupo Galpão, and to participate in London Cultural Olympics. This new version counted on the participation of actor Paulo André, standing in for Chico Pelúcio in the parts of Tybalt and Friar Lourence.

1992 — 1994
1995 — 2003
2012 — 2013
Directed by
Gabriel Villela

Technical Sheet


William Shakespeare

Dramaturgy and narrator's texts

Cacá Brandão


Onestaldo de Pennafort

Assistant Director

Arildo de Barros


Gabriel Villela

Musical Research

Gabriel Villela e Grupo Galpão

Musical Director

Fernando Muzzi

Arrangements and Instrumental coach

Fernando Muzzi

Vocal Coach


Musical Minuets

Paula Martins


Gabriel Villela, Luciana Buarque e Grupo Galpão


Agnaldo Pinho


Wagner Freire


Luciana Buarque

Costumes and accessories maintenance

Wanda Sgarbi

Costumes Assistant

Maria Castilho


Rômulo Righi e Vinícius Alves


“Oficina de Marcenaria” e Helvécio Izabel


Júnia Portilho




Miguel Aun

Production Directors

Chico Pelúcio, Regiane Miciano e Gilma Oliveira

Light operation

Wladimir Medeiros

Visual Programming

Lápis Raro

Production Assistant

Virgínia Dias

Overall Production

Grupo Galpão


Gabriel Villela