One day, in eternity, the Devil bets with God that if He pulled away some of man’s qualities, he would fall from grace. God, accepting the challenge, decides to bring into the world Tills’ soul. Set on the Middle Ages and living in a miserable Germany, filled with grotesque and suspicious characters, from the beginning our protagonist is left at the mercy of his own fate, cold and hungry, only to find that, in order to survive, he would have to be a cheater. That is how his journey begins filled with idiocy and cheat.
The show debuted in 2009 and is directed by Júlio Maciel, scenography and costumes by Márcio Medina and musical direction by Ernani.
- Year
- 2009
- Directed by
- Júlio Maciel
- Duration
- 90 minutes
- Genre
- Dramedy
Arildo de Barros
Midwife, Judge, Peasant, Executioner, Priest & Drifter
Beto Franco
Midwife, Portuguese, Priest, Peasant & Drifter
Antonio Edson
Borromeo, People & Little Person
Chico Pelúcio
Devil, Peasant & Soldiers Voice
Lydia Del Picchia
Midwife, Consciousness, Cook & Boy
Eduardo Moreira
Dorotheus & People
Inês Peixoto
Simone Ordones
Alceus & People
Teuda Bara
Mother & Drifter
Fernanda Vianna
Mother & Drifter
Technical Sheet
Music Direction, Music Arrangement, Adaptation
Ernani Maletta
Lighting Designer
Alexandre Galvão, Wladimir Medeiros
Luiza Horta, Marney Heitmann & Raimundo Bento
Vocal Preparation
Scenography assistants
Poliana Espírito Santo & Amanda Gomes
Luís Alberto de Abreu
Scenography and Costumes
Márcio Medina
Physical Training
Joaquim Elias
Mona Magalhães
Sound Designer
Alexandre Galvão
Scenery Technician and prompter
Helvécio Izabel
Costume Assistant
Paulo André
Canvas Paiting
Estevão Machado
Scenotechnics assistants
Nilson Santos, Elton John e Geraldo Alves
Pilates Instructor
Waneska Torres
Pilates technical assistant
Camila Couri
Stage Building
Taires Scatolin e Idaléia Dias
Guto Muniz e Casa da Foto
Graphic Project
Lápis Raro
Executive Production
Beatriz Radicchi
Production Direction
Gilma Oliveira
Grupo Galpão