“Um Homem é um Homem” is a play written and rewritten many times by Brecht, between 1926 and 1956, year of his death. It is a comedy that situates itself in a transition phase, and a shaping phase for the brechtian theory on epic theater.
Mixing cabaret elements, circus, street theater elements, music and epic theater, the play tells the transformation of docker Galy Gay, into a war machine. It is an alert on the power of manipulation and the dangers someone who cannot say "no" is submittted to. This is Galy Gay's case, who goes out to buy fish, ends up with a cucumber and lastly, is submitted to a false shooting. Still alive, he takes on a new identity, that of soldier Jeraiah Jip, who was wounded and arrested in an assault to a religious temple.
All of this has, as it's background, the occupation war by a western army, in a faraway country in the east that, in Paulo José's adaptations, gains stronger lines, with clear connections to Iraq's contemporary war.
The piece was made to open spaces, but applicable to theater's as well. The music, directed by conductor Ernani Maletta, is executed and sang alive by the actors, using themes from the 1956 production, by composer Paul Dessau, as well as citations by composers Kurt Weil and Brecht himself.
- Year
- 2005 — 2007
- Directed by
- Paulo José
Antonio Edson
Galy Gay
Arildo de Barros
Fairchild Sargent
Beto Franco
Jesse Mahoney
Eduardo Moreira
Uriah Shelley
Fernanda Vianna
Monk's Assistet & Band General
Inês Peixoto
Mrs. Galy Gay, Widow's Daughter & Soldier
Júlio Maciel
Monk & Soldier
Lydia Del Picchia
Band General
Paulo André
Polly Baker
Simone Ordones
Widow Leokadia Begbick
Rodolfo Vaz
Jeraiah Jip, Widow Begbick's Daughter & Soldier
Technical Sheet
Free Adaptation
Paulo José
Fernando Peixoto
Assistant Director
Assistant Director
Musical Direction and Arrangements
Ernani Maletta
Alexandre Rousset, Tereza Bruzzi & Paulo José
Kika Lopes
Kika Lopes, Alexandre Rousset & Tereza Bruzzi
Alexandre Galvão & Wladimir Medeiros
Scenes Body preparation
Mônica Ribeiro
Military March composition
Ernani Maletta & Fernando Muzzi
Helvécio Izabel & Joaquim Pereira
Costumes Assistant
Daniela Ruggio Starling
Intern Actors
Janaina Rodrigues / Rodrigo Salgueiro
Mona Magalhães
Pilates Technique
Waneska Carvalho
Scenography Assistant
Adriano Borges
Alexandre Galvão
Helvécio Izabel
Guto Muniz & Casa da Foto
Graphic Project
Lápis Raro
Director of Production
Gilma Oliveira
Executive Production
Beatriz Radicchi
Overall Production
Grupo Galpão