Um Molière Imaginário (An Imaginary Molière)

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“Um Molière Imaginário” resurrects the image of Molière in a great homage to theater, specially the world of popular and street comedy. The production, directed by Eduardo Moreira and with text adaptation by Cacá Brandão, projects “The Hypochondriac”, Molière's original, on a background that investigates the nature and role of theater, while paying homage to biggest comedic playwright of all time.

In this context, Mab appears on-stage, the queen of dreams, who, through the power of imagination, takes Molière himself from the tomb in which he has rested for 300 years and takes him to Machado de Assis, giving him back his words and restituting his dignity, vilipended by a demeaning funeral. In the center of the action, the story of Argan plays out, a miser hypochondriac, the last great creation of the great French comedian and playwright. In a comic way, Molière unravels the social hypocrisy and the abuses of the medical cabal.

The production, faithful to Moliere's critical humor and Grupo Galpão's signature irreverence, is seasoned with lyricism, present in between the acts. To obtain this balance, the soundtrack's contribution was decisive. Varying from Opera to Bolero, it was executed live by the actors themselves. Fernando Muzzi composed the songs and themes for the in between acts and Ernani Maletta, the operatic pieces, acted out by the lovers couple. 

More than 100 Brazilian cities applauded “Um Molière Imaginário”. In Santiago do Chile, the group received a standing ovation by more than 2.000 spectators, and in Porto city, the production reopened the traditional Teatro and was consecrated by the Portuguese public.

1997 — 2007
Directed by
Eduardo Moreira

Technical Sheet

Dramaturgy and texts

Cacá Brandão


Edla Van Steen

Assistant Director

Chico Pelúcio


Paulo Pessoa

Scenario execution

Helvécio Izabel, Arquitetural & Santo Ofício

Costumes and accessories

Wanda Sgarbi

Costumes execution

Maria Castilho

Costumes Assistant

Sandra Chaves

Costumes Assistant

Paulo André


Wanda Sgarbi, Paulo Pessoa & Tião Vieira

Composition, arrangements and Instrumental coach

Fernando Muzzi

Composition, voice arrangements and choir conductor

Ernani Maletta

Vocal Coach


Body Coach

Fernanda Vianna & Vivien Buckup


Alexandre Galvão & Wladimir Medeiros


Chico Pelúcio


Rômulo Righi & Alexandre Galvão

Director of Production

Regiane Miciano

Director of Production

Beto Franco

Percussion classes

Sérgio Silva


Mona Magalhães

Sound operation

Alexandre Galvão

Light operation

Wladimir Medeiros


Helvécio Izabel

Visual Programming

Lápis Raro


Miguel Aun & Gustavo Campos

Executive Production

Gilma Oliveira

Overall Production

Grupo Galpão


Eduardo Moreira