Cabaré Coragem
It's another night at Cabaré Coragem! In a funny and delirious atmosphere, the artists dance, sing, and perform variety acts, while strange contradictions of that place emerge on stage.
- Directed by
- Júlio Maciel
Outros (Others)
After NÓS (US), OUTROS (OTHERS) translates to a theatrical form, the restlessness and contemporary questionings that derived from the encounter between Marcio Abreu and Grupo Galpão. It deals with the now, the moment we are living and the issues that make such moment not viable anymore.
- Directed by
- Marcio Abreu
Nós (Us)
As they prepare one last soup, seven people share their angsts, a few hopes and many “us”. Galpão's 23rd production debates recent issues such as violence and intolerance, from a political standpoint.
- Directed by
- Marcio Abreu
De Tempo Somos — Um Sarau do Grupo Galpão (A Grupo Galpão’s poetry evening)
Closer to a poetry evening, “De Tempo Somos” translates a Galpão’s old dream of celebrating in a concise way, the meeting of music and theater. That has become the main feature of the group during the more than 30 years of its existence.
- Directed by
- Lydia Del Picchia, Simone Ordones
Os Gigantes da Montanha (The Mountain Giants)
The “Mountain Giants” fable is about the arrival of a decaying theater company to a magic village, inhabited by ghosts and by Cotrone Magician. Written by Luigi Pirandello, the play is an allegory about the theater, poetry and art’s value and their capacity of communication with the modern world, that is each time more pragmatic and related to material tasks.
- Directed by
- Gabriel Villela
Tio Vânia (For Those Coming After Us)
That play was written in 1897 by Anton Tchékhov, “Uncle Vania” is about the unavoidable loss of illusions and the eventual need for men to reinvent and face the future.
- Directed by
- Yara de Novaes
On stage five people await for the end of a solar eclipse. Meanwhile, they discuss human existence and condition, flowing through Russian writer Anton Tchekhov's short stories and philosophy. As the waiting becomes longer and longer, the clash and confrontation of worldviews triggers a series of absurd situations.
- Directed by
- Jurij Alschitz
One day, in eternity, the Devil bets with God that if He pulled away some of man’s qualities, he would fall from grace. God, accepting the challenge, decides to bring into the world Tills’ soul.
- Directed by
- Júlio Maciel
2007 — 2011
Pequenos Milagres (Little Miracles)
The piece “Pequenos Milagres” marks the celebrations of Grupo Galpão's 25 years of activities. The text is composed by fours stories: ‘Cabeça de Cachorro’ ("Dog's head"), ‘O Pracinha da FEB’ ("FEB's soldier"), ‘O Vestido’ ("The Dress") and ‘Casal Náufrago’ ("The castaway couple"), selected from the nearly 600 stories sent to the Conte Sua História (Tell Us Your Story) campaign.
- Directed by
- Paulo de Moraes
2005 — 2007
Um Homem É Um Homem (Man Equals Man)
“Um Homem é um Homem” is a play written and rewritten many times by Brecht, between 1926 and 1956, year of his death. It is a comedy that situates itself in a transition phase, and a shaping phase for the brechtian theory on epic theater.
- Directed by
- Paulo José